Mexico: Report “In the Face of Risk and Chaos”

The report “In the Face of Risk and Chaos” was published by the Centro de Investigación y Capacitación Propuesta Cívica (Civic Proposal Research and Training Centre) in October 2017. It proposes an analysis of the Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists.

“…in this publication we carry out an analysis of the national and international regulatory framework through which Protection Mechanisms are created, with a detailed study of current legislation in Mexico at the state level in contrast with international standards and good practices in terms of protection and guarantees to defend human rights…. In the third chapter, a review is made of the Mexican regulatory framework in the different states of the republic that have issued laws that create State Protection Mechanisms, as well as the decrees and laws that create Liaison Units at state level with the current mechanism…”.

The original publication used to be accessible here in Spanish (Propuesta Cívica).